3 Things Needed Before Abortion
Think you might be unexpectedly pregnant? You may feel anxious and have a lot of thoughts going through your head. It’s understandable – but rest assured that you are not alone on this journey. There are many supportive resources and compassionate care options available.
You may be considering abortion as one of your options. Before making your next steps, consider these three details you need to know to put your health and safety first.
Confirm Your Pregnancy With a Medical Professional
You may have had a positive home pregnancy test, which is a great first step, but you’ll want to get this result confirmed by a medical professional before making your next steps. Although it's a rare occurrence, it is possible to get a false negative result from a home pregnancy test. Your results may also vary depending on when you’re testing and if your memory of the date of your last period is correct.
Our professional medical team at Nova Pregnancy Help Center can verify your pregnancy with a medical-grade pregnancy test at no cost to you.
Your next steps in your pregnancy decision process may require proof-of-pregnancy documentation from a medical professional, and our team can also provide this to you.
2. Get An Ultrasound At No Cost To You
Even if your pregnancy is confirmed, it’s possible it may not be a viable pregnancy or, in other words, a healthy and progressing pregnancy. Roughly 15 - 20% of pregnancies do not continue to full term, resulting in miscarriage. About 80% of miscarriages occur in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Before making your next steps, it’s important to know if your pregnancy is viable or if other medical care may be needed.
The best way to answer this question is through an ultrasound exam. Our nurse sonographer can help you determine your pregnancy’s location (if it’s correctly located in the uterus or if ectopic pregnancy may be a concern), the gestational age (how far along you are, which may determine the options available to you), and viability (if miscarriage may be a concern for you).
The findings from your ultrasound will be reviewed by our medical director, a physician who reviews the unique details of your pregnancy concerns and makes a diagnosis of pregnancy. Through receiving this exam, you can be equipped with knowledge that informs your next steps and helps you ensure you are receiving medical care that is appropriate for your unique needs.
3. Learn About Your Options & Get Your Questions Answered
Getting your pregnancy confirmed and receiving an ultrasound are the best next steps in your medical care to ensure you have the information about your unique pregnancy situation. In addition to this important medical care, you may want to talk through your options with a trusted professional to ensure you know all the facts and are making an informed, confident choice.
Our staff at Nova Pregnancy Help Centers is here to help answer your questions. Our goal is for you to be empowered with the knowledge you need to make a healthy decision. We’re happy to provide you with specialized information that may be helpful to your unique concerns as you plan your next steps.
The choice is yours, but we can help. Schedule your free appointment today!